UI/UX Consulting and Brand Identity

Bundle Loan

Bundle Loan Logo
My Role

Design Direction
Logo Creation
User Experience Consulting
Visual Brand Identity

Project Scope

Competitor Research
Back End Development
Front End Development
Graphic Design
Logo & Identity Design
Payment Processor Integration
Process Flow Creation
User Personas
UX/UI Design
Website Design
Wireframe Creation

This greenfield project let us flex our creative muscles from start to finish – turning a concept into a product that helps users make sense of the complicated home buying process.
Bundle Logo Sketches
Bundle Logo Drafts

Problem Statement

Eric from Bundle came to 729 Solutions with a handful of wireframes and an idea for a product solving a problem – he was motivated to dive in, and needed a company that could help him execute his project. He wanted to create a platform that explained and facilitated the mortgage buying process. We helped him understand who his users would be, flesh out a plan, design and develop the final product.

Project Goals

Create a logo and visual brand identity.
Understand and document project scope.
Design a User Interface that was visually appealing and intuitive.
Plan a User Experience that simplifies a complex process.
Develop a responsive, mobile friendly website.

Software Used

Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
Lucid Chart
Bundle User Flow

Project Planning and Research Methods

  Competitive Market Research
  Design Workshops
   Persona Research
 User Flow and Journey Mapping

Workshop Focuses

What challenges within the industry do we need to consider?

What control can users have in sharing their personal information?

How can we best protect users’ privacy?

How can we simplify the mortgage buying process using user interface best practices?

What education tools can we provide to users throughout their experience?

Bundle Mockups

In Review

As we worked through the Discovery Phase of this project, it really came to light how complex the system and solutions would need to be in order to simplify the user experience.  There was more to work through than any of us originally thought!

As unexpected user personas came to light, we adjusted our plans and additional user journeys. 

Being one of the earliest UI/UX projects I had the pleasure of working on, I had the opportunity to tackle both UI/UX and design work.  Seeing the planning phases turn into a tangible product was rewarding and solidified in my mind the importance of research based design.